Category: resources

  • Guide to program evaluation

    Here’s a link to a free resource on program evaluation titled, Basic Guide to Program Evaluation.  The guide seems like a great resource for those who need help in getting started.  With some great summaries and tables comparing the pros/cons of different methods and designs, this guide seems like a great, free resource. Tags: evaluation,…

  • Online Evaluation Resource Library

    Here’s an interesting resource for those interested in evaluation, titled the "Online Evaluation Resource Library" (OERL).  The goal of the OERL is to: the continuous improvement of evaluations used to monitor and judge projects’ effectiveness. OERL provides a rich collection of evaluation best practices, guidelines for their applications to projects, and a forum for stimulating…

  • Telehealth Ontario: Is it doing more harm than good?

    A while back, I wrote about my experience using the Telehealth Ontario service. In my particular case, my experience was satisfactory. As I understand things, Telehealth Ontario is meant to be a service that “can help you decide whether to care for yourself, make an appointment with your doctor, go to a clinic, contact a…

  • Stretches for the desk-jockey

    When at my desk, I often find that my posture is very bad, resulting in preventable muscle strain. Actually, what I find is that after years of sitting in front of a computer, I’ve lost much of my flexiblity. The Faculty of Physical Education at University of Toronto released a series stretches for people spending…

  • Teaching resources on the web

    I came across this great resource on teaching while preparing for one of my assignments. I specifically used the section on creating a syllabus, but the entire site is good. The resource is called the Center for Teaching and Learning Services at the University of Minnesota (

  • Reading list

    As part of my PhD preparations, I’ve been spending large portions of my reading, and still finding that there is too much material to cover. I’m in the midst of compiling a reading list for ehealth. The plan is to post this growing list in the research section of my site once I get a…

  • Telehealth Resources

    Here are some interesting telehealth resources that I’ve come across in the past few days: Health Telematics Unit @ University of Calgary UK Telehealth & eHealth Service Office for the Advancement of Telehealth I will try and post some interesting articles on telehealth in the next few days.