Category: conferences & conventions

  • e is for … evaluation?

    This year’s e-health conference is titled “e is for everyone” but I want to focus on another “e”: evaluation. I have heard a few people suggest that the next “big thing” in ehealth is evaluation. I’m not sure if I agree or disagree with this prediction. Up until recently, much of the effort in health…

  • Conference Announcement – Electronic Health Information and Privacy (Ottawa – November 2005)

    My apologies for being “silent” for the past few weeks, but I’ve been working through some health issues. For those who may be interested, there’s an upcoming Electronic Health Information and Privacy conference to be held on November 30, 2005 in Ottawa, Canada. The program covers practice and research, with some excellent speakers. Sounds like…

  • e-Health 2005 Conference – some final thoughts

    Okay, so I’ve had a night to think about my experience at the e-Health 2005 Conference (day 1, day 2). Here are the thoughts that I take away with me. 1. Patient safety – the new narrative of eHealth It seems pretty obvious that the mantra of “patient safety” (and to a lesser degree –…

  • eHealth 2005 Conference – thoughts from day 3

    Today’s conference had a different feel to it. Maybe because it was only a half day, or because there was no morning plenary session, but the conference just didn’t seem to have as much energy or buzz of the past two days. Concurrent Session #1: In pursuit of a safe Canadian healthcare system This session…

  • eHealth 2005 Conference – thoughts from day 2

    Today proved to be an interesting day at the e-Health 2005 Conference as it was both better and worse than day 1. Plenary Session 2: Walking the talk – learning from the doers This session was moderated by Dr. Alex Jadad and featured three speakers representing some of the work going on in the United…

  • e-Health 2005 Conference – thoughts from day 1

    Here are my observations from day 1 of the e-Health 2005 conference. I would have posted more often during the day, but wireless Internet connections were not provided as part of the conference. I can’t believe that at an eHealth conference, Internet access is not provided for free – access was available for about $15…

  • Upcoming Presentation @ eHealth Conference 2005 Student Symposium

    I just learned that I’ll be presenting at this year’s Student Symposium at the eHealth 2005 Conference. I’ll be speaking during the evening session on Sunday May 1st, 2005. My talk will be about the definition of eHealth (shameless self plug here) and my “vision” for the future of eHealth. I’ll post my presentation file…

  • 10th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research

    For those interested in attending a conference in a nice, warm place, feel free to attend the The Tenth International Symposium on Health Information Management Research on September 22-24, 2005 in Thessaloniki, Greece. Here’s a quotation about what this year’s conference is about: iSHIMR 2005 aims to bring together people who are carrying out, or…