Category: conferences & conventions
OHA Health Achieve 2009 – Day 2 Exhibitor Floor
Had a chance to visit the exhibitor floor during the lunch break. Was great to see some interesting booths. No one booth stuck out in my mind, but there seemed to be a subdued sense of energy on the floor with quite a bit of networking going on. A couple of shout-outs to friends, colleagues,…
OHA Health Achieve 2009 – Day 2 Keynote: Michael Moore
Today’s keynote was Michael Moore the infamous director Sicko, Roger & Me, Bowling for Columbine, Farenheit 9/11, and most recently Capitalism: A Love Story. Here’s a running summary of the topics. The session started off with a short clip from Sicko about his relatives purchasing health insurance at Sears for a short trip (couple of…
Health Achieve 2009 – day 1
I was fortunate to get a pass to attend this year’s Ontario Hospital Association’s Health Achieve 2009. Wasn’t able to stay for the entire day due to other commitments, but I did enjoy the morning’s opening session. Before I summarize the opening session, I just want to say that I’m always impressed with the incremental…
OHA Health Achieve 2008 – thoughts from day 1
I had the privilege of attending the opening session of this year’s OHA Health Achieve, one of the world’s "premier health care events". As always, the event was packed and the speakers didn’t disappoint. Here is a quick recap with some comments. Opening SessionAfter some opening remarks from the OHA Board Chair, the convention was…
Upcoming Medicine2.0 Conference: Web 2.0 in Health and Medicine
Just a quick reminder to those who aren’t aware, but there is a very interesting conference being hosted in Toronto, Canada titled "Medicine 2.0 Conference: Web 2.0 in Health and Medicine". Medicine 2.0® is an international conference on Web 2.0 applications in health and medicine, organized and co-sponsored by the Journal of Medical Internet Research,…
Interesting conference – Making the eHealth connection
I came across an interesting conference site titled "Making the eHealth Connection". The goal of the conference is to "to raise the profile of eHealth, form new partnerships and identify promising new areas of work for the Global South". Unfortunately, this month-long conference is invitation only. Â Powered by Qumana
Conference announcement: HAND-HELD [un] conference – Mar. 20, 2008 @ Toronto, Canada
I came across this announcement for a conference that sounds very interesting. It’s called "HAND-HELD: an [un]conference harnessing digital storytelling to improve health". I’m intrigued by the description of the event: HAND-HELD is an [un]conference that explores how digital storytelling and new media can be harnessed to improve health care when the tools of creation…
What can ehealth learn from Steve Jobs, Apple Inc., and Macworld?
As in the past, I watched the 2008 Macworld keynote address by Steve Jobs. This time, I was a bit surprised by some of the responses of the media and crowd. Apple’s stock getting hammered didn’t help. In any case, I think there are some good lessons for ehealth, and health care in general, that…