Category: analysis

  • Signs of a coming Linux/Apple world?

    Here’s an interesting article that I came across on reporting on the increase in use of Apple computers in the life sciences. I know that in my particular “lab” (i.e., The Centre for Global eHealth Innovation), most people seem to be moving away from Microsoft Windows machines and to either Apple’s Mac or to…

  • The allure of Apple, and its implications to eHealth

    I spent a few hours yesterday backing up some data from my notebook to an external hard-disk. Since I only have USB1.1, the transfer was painfully slow. So, I visited my local computer store and bought a USB2.0 PCMCIA (*see note below) card in hopes that the faster transfer rate will speed things up. After…

  • Searching the Biomedical Literature

    I’m in the midst of working on (another) systematic review for my dissertation. For this review, I am interested in identify “theory-type” papers in the biomedical literature. Guess what? It’s really difficult. At first, I thought that I wasn’t proficient at searching the biomedical literature (mostly Medline and Embase), so I contacted a librarian to…

  • Portable Medical Records – Revisiting An Old Idea

    Here’s an interesting article from the E-Health Insider, titled “Carry your medical records on a USB drive” reporting about the Medinfo Chip. Basically, it’s a copy of your medical record available on a USB key that you can make available to your physician. A generic version of your medical record is available for emergency situations.…

  • Of faith and eHealth – assumptions about improved health care?

    Maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised, but I’m curious as to why there seems to be a sense of complete confidence that using eHealth (e.g., information and communication technologies in health care) will lead to better care, lower costs, and a more “satisfied customer”. In a short opinion piece titled “Taking a Walk on the…

  • The branding of eHealth

    I’ve been thinking about some of the concepts that James Twitchell talks about in his book Branded Nation : The Marketing of Megachurch, College Inc., and Museumworld. Basically, he takes a marketing paradigm and uses it to explain some of the behaviour seen in churches, universities, and museums. His essential argument, as far as I…

  • Future directions for eHealth interfaces

    As our understanding of technology increases, I’m sure that we will be able to interact with computers and other technologies in different ways. Currently, we essentially use a keyboard and a screen. The BBC reports on some new technology developments that suggest new possible ways of interacting with computers using “body talk“. What I find…

  • eHealth – one size fits all?

    I’m having a bit of an internal struggle with the idea that there is a “one size fits all” solution in eHealth. To put things in a bit of perspective, someone suggested that for hospitals, there should only be one information system in place instead of duplicating efforts. I’m not sure if I agree with…