Category: analysis

  • A patient-specific DNS?

    Here’s an interesting opinion piece by John Halamka, titled “Health Care Needs a DNS for Patients” available from Basically, Halamka argues that there should be a better way of accessing and locating patient information that is stored in physician offices, hospital records, patients homes, and wherever else patient information is stored. He argues that…

  • Disruptive Technology #5: Patient reports

    Trust. Who do you trust? Who do you trust to take care of you and your family? The disruptive technology profiled in this post is: Consumer reports and ratings. When we go to purchase a consumer good, most people do some research before making a purchase. Today, much of this research gets done online via…

  • Wikis and eHealth

    I read this interesting article on describing the “wiki” phenomenon, titled “It’s a Wiki, Wiki World“. Could this wiki be a glimpse of the future eHealth/health care world? My personal experiences with wikis have been via and from an experimental (well, I call it experimental, but “development” may be a better term) wiki…

  • Disruptive Technology #4: Ebay, auctions, and markets

    I’ve noticed that “markets” have not been discussed as contributing to or (at the very least) affecting health care and eHealth. Perhaps this is because I am in a Canadian context where anything that remotely challenges the tenets of the Health Care Act are pooh-poohed and dismissed as being somehow “un-Canadian” or ideological. For today’s…

  • Disruptive Technology #3: The digital home

    While we’re loathe to admit it, the digital home will likely alter the face of health care/ehealth in ways that we can only begin to imagine. The “digital home” is the technology that I will discuss in this post. In Canada, health care interactions have traditionally been conducted in either a hospital or a physician’s…

  • Disruptive Technology #2: iPods, handhelds, and mobile devices oh my!

    In 2004, we saw the rise of the iPod digital music player (well, at least here in North America). The iPod was the must have device. I talk about the iPod because it is just the most recent iteration of another disruptive technology: handheld or mobile devices. Handheld devices first caught on with the marketing…

  • Disruptive technology #1: Video games

    In light of the recent announcements at this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), I will start by profiling my first prediction for a disruptive technology: video games. The video game industry has exploded from being entertainment for children to a $11 billion industry in the United States alone! What may surprise even more is that…

  • Long live the handheld!

    It would seem that the “death of the handheld computer” is somewhat premature. An article in yesterday’s Globe & Mail reports how “smart phones” are being pushed by telecom companies and hardware manufacturers alike as the convergence device of the future. I would agree that the original “personal digital assistant” (PDA) didn’t stand a chance…