Category: analysis

  • An experience using Telehealth Ontario

    Ontario’s Ministry of Health has a “free, confidential telephone service you can call to get health advice or general health information from a registered nurse” called Telehealth Ontario. I don’t know about you, but as someone who works and studies in the ehealth domain, I find the name of the service somewhat confusing. I can…

  • Podcasting in Health – A look at Apple iTunes v4.9 for health podcasts

    A short while ago, I wrote a post about some of the challenges of podcasting in health care. I came across a statistic about the seeming popularity of podcasting because of Apple Computer’s iTunes software (version 4.9 supports podcasting). So, I decided to check out the iTunes music store to see what I could find.…

  • Podcasting in Healthcare: Is there a future?

    I’ve been following the “podcasting” phenomenon ever since I heard of the term. At this year’s Apple World Wide Developer’s Conference, Steve Jobs announced that future versions of iTunes will have features to make it easier for users to find and listen to podcasts. Basically, “podcast” or “podcasting” is a combination of the words “broadcasting”…

  • Google Scholar – not ready for prime time

    I came across a comprehensive review of Google Scholar available from the Thomson Gale Publishing group. As you know, Google Scholar is a dedicated search tool aimed at “academics” to search information regarding journal articles, reports, and other “scientific” literature. In a previous post (Google Scholar: Don’t believe the hype?), I shared some of my…

  • Case report: A paperless hospital

    Here’s an interesting article/case study from titled “The paperless hospital – really!“. The article is a profile of Baptist Medical Centre South hospital and how it managed to succeed when others (i.e., Cedar-Sinai Medical Centre in Los Angeles). My take home message after reading this article was that technology is not the problem (nor…

  • Hospital rating web sites

    Here’s a quick follow-up to my previous post on Patient Reports and how these types of reports have the potential to change health care and eHealth considerably. The article is from BusinessWeekOnline and is titled “Hunting for Hospitals That Measure Up“. The article doesn’t reveal anything new, but I found the small vignettes to be…

  • Disruptive Technology #6: Wearable technologies

    The disruptive technology profiled in this post is what I generically call “wearable technologies”. By wearable technology, I mostly mean “wearable computers”, but I don’t want to limit myself to just computers. defines a wearable computer as “a small portable computer that is designed to be worn on the body during use” (you can…

  • bio-diversity revisited

    Previously, I wrote on the topic of bio-diversity as related to standards (read post here). I read an interesting post on that is prompting me to re-visit the idea of bio-diversity in health care, and specifically in eHealth. As we know from our high-school biology classes, “bio-diversity” means having a variety of biological matter,…