Category: opinion

  • e is for … evaluation?

    This year’s e-health conference is titled “e is for everyone” but I want to focus on another “e”: evaluation. I have heard a few people suggest that the next “big thing” in ehealth is evaluation. I’m not sure if I agree or disagree with this prediction. Up until recently, much of the effort in health…

  • I wonder about the things we value

    Yesterday, Steve Jobs gave his highly anticipated keynote address at Macworld 2006. I watched a delayed version of the event for a number of different reasons: 1) I have some stock in Apple and am trying to determine when/if I should sell; 2) Steve Jobs is touted as being one of the best public speakers…

  • space and place in an e-health world

    I’ve often stated that we need to explore and understand some of the consequences of adopting and using more ehealth. By consequences, I don’t necessarily mean negative effects. In his book, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business, Neil Postman articulates some of the (unintended) consequences of using the television.…

  • elections & ehealth

    Here in Canada, a national election is scheduled for Monday January 23, 2006. This particular election has been interesting because the major political parties seem to be running an issues-based campaign, passing on much of the negative advertisements and personal attacks of past elections. I’m not sure if this new-found civility will keep-up, but I…

  • An experience using Telehealth Ontario

    Ontario’s Ministry of Health has a “free, confidential telephone service you can call to get health advice or general health information from a registered nurse” called Telehealth Ontario. I don’t know about you, but as someone who works and studies in the ehealth domain, I find the name of the service somewhat confusing. I can…

  • Podcasting in Health – A look at Apple iTunes v4.9 for health podcasts

    A short while ago, I wrote a post about some of the challenges of podcasting in health care. I came across a statistic about the seeming popularity of podcasting because of Apple Computer’s iTunes software (version 4.9 supports podcasting). So, I decided to check out the iTunes music store to see what I could find.…

  • Blood, bytes, and being a good neighbour

    Wow – it’s been almost a month since my last post. My apologies for being tardy. I’m going through a bout of writer’s block, which isn’t a good thing for a doctoral student who wants to graduate 🙂 Regardless, I’m just going to write about my recent experience with the Canadian Blood Service (CBS). This…

  • Podcasting in Healthcare: Is there a future?

    I’ve been following the “podcasting” phenomenon ever since I heard of the term. At this year’s Apple World Wide Developer’s Conference, Steve Jobs announced that future versions of iTunes will have features to make it easier for users to find and listen to podcasts. Basically, “podcast” or “podcasting” is a combination of the words “broadcasting”…