Category: opinion

  • Worlds colliding…industry vs. academia

    It’s interesting to see how differently ehealth is viewed by academics and industry.  To one, ehealth is the potential of using new mediums to explore ideas and possibilities, while to the other, ehealth is more of a means to an end. For the past few years, I’ve been in the academic world exploring the limits…

  • A voice against irrational exuberance in ehealth

    For those interested in a somewhat contrarian viewpoint about ehealth, I suggest you check out Scot Silverstein.  I just recently came across his site documenting some "common examples of health care IT difficulties".  You can also listen to his interview available via the Government Health IT site – an excellent site. In his interview, Dr.…

  • What can ehealth learn from Steve Jobs, Apple Inc., and Macworld?

    As in the past, I watched the 2008 Macworld keynote address by Steve Jobs.  This time, I was a bit surprised by some of the responses of the media and crowd.  Apple’s stock getting hammered didn’t help.  In any case, I think there are some good lessons for ehealth, and health care in general, that…

  • Peering into the (ehealth) fog of war …

    At one point in time, a long time ago (around 2000), I wondered if centralized, government maintained electronic health records was the way to go.  In defense of this position, my arguments revolved around the notions of efficiency and control, in that it was easier for systems to be monitored, maintained, and updated if they…

  • ehealth election madness

    Here in Ontario, we’re in the midst of a provincial election. Voting day is October 10, 2007 and I suspect that the level of attacks will increase as voting day approaches. I’m not writing about political parties, but I am somewhat surprised with some of the debate regarding ehealth. The former government (Ontario Liberal Party…

  • Podcasting in healthcare – 2007 update

    As some of my readers might remember, I ran a series of posts on examining the potential role of podcasting in healthcare. At the time, I wasn’t too keen on podcasting in healthcare: In my first post, Podcasting in Healthcare: Is there a future?, I discussed some of the challenges and potential uses of podcasting.…

  • Now coming to a theatre near you: Capital Health is recruiting…

    I don’t know about you, but I generally don’t like to watch advertisements, especially the 10–20 minutes of paid advertisements just before the start of show at the movie theatre. Normally I pay little attention to the ads, but I almost fell out of my seat when I saw a recruiting ad for Capital Health,…

  • A prescription for Google Health?

    About a year ago, Google indicated that “health care information matters”, with little to report since then. Google seemed to have formed a health board comprised of physicians and some patients to guide its efforts. Recently, I’ve read a few pieces speculating about Google’s efforts toward building a health care product/service (here and here). In…