Category: news

  • eHealth in the peer-reviewed literature…

    Much to my surprise, two leading health care journals have articles on ehealth. The first is JAMA (vol 303, no 5, pp 391-470; February 3, 2010), which rarely publishes on the topic of ehealth. Safe electronic health record use requires comprehensive monitoring and evaluation framework (link to abstract). Electronic health records in the age of…

  • Website:

    I came across this wonderful website titled “Hospital“. Seems to be a great resource for news and information from a hospital perspective. From the website, it describes itself as … one of the top free resources of general health on the Internet. Our content is delivered by our top-notch writing staff, and is focused on…

  • iPhone as life-saver…

    Talk about great press for the iPhone. A news report titled “Earthquake survivor calls iPhone a life saver” and reports how the man used the applications on his iPhone to treat himself and survive until he could be rescued. I suspect that mobile applications for health will get a kickstart based on this type of…

  • A small step towards adoption of health care IT…

    It’s nothing major, but reports like this seem to point toward a slow shift towards greater use of IT in health care. Getting neurosurgeons to use iPod touches to eliminate paper at a conference is just a small step. I predict that some will resist and be upset and i can’t really blame them. Reading…

  • Health Achieve 2009 – day 1

    I was fortunate to get a pass to attend this year’s Ontario Hospital Association’s Health Achieve 2009. Wasn’t able to stay for the entire day due to other commitments, but I did enjoy the morning’s opening session. Before I summarize the opening session, I just want to say that I’m always impressed with the incremental…

  • Quebec is using Disney’s approach to addressing line-ups for H1N1 vaccinations

    I don’t know about you, but I find these types of articles absolutely fascinating. First, there’s an article from the Globe and Mail titled "Quebec’s Disney-inspired solution to flu-shot chaos" and a related post from Boing Boing. Why is it that someone (or some people) in Quebec decided to try something to address what was…

  • A new definition of health?

    There was an interesting editorial published this past week in the BMJ titled "How should health be defined?" by Jadad and O’Grady. The basic idea of the article is that while health was defined in 1948 by a panel of experts that changed our notions of health and illness, is it time for a new…

  • Unlearning by Alejandro Jadad

    For those interested in an insightful read about life and what-not, Alejandro (Alex) Jadad, my PhD supervisor, just published a non-medical book, entitled "Unlearning". The book explores the impact of combining online publishing, social networking and the notion of "Freeconomics". The book can be downloaded for free or purchased at: Powered by Qumana