Category: analysis

  • Patient blogs & the Electronic Health Record

    In a previous post, I wondered about the utility of turning electronic health records into blogs, owned and maintained by the patient with health care providers providing additional contributions. It wasn’t a completely thought out idea, but I was just brainstorming a bit. reported on how High Point Regional Health System in North Carolina…

  • Telemedicine in the news

    Here’s an article reporting on how technologies can be used to connect patients and physicians over great distances (i.e., telemedicine). The article is in Today’s Globe and Mail, titled “Hi-tech checkups byte into travel“. What I find interesting is how the technology is portrayed in an entirely positive light. It’s as if the technology can…

  • The story of eHealth

    Okay, so I’ve been thinking about what the “story” behind eHealth is, and I think I’ve finally found an image that captures it. As you can see, there’s a gentleman seemingly receiving a hug from someone emerging from the computer screen. I think that in many ways, we like to think that the technologies we…

  • "Give it away, give it away, give it away now"

    Sure, the title of this post is from a Red Hot Chili Peppers song, but it’s an interesting one. Today’s Globe and Mail had an article reporting on how much information is available for free on newspaper websites (“How much should newspapers give away?“). The content wasn’t that interesting or surprising in and of itself,…

  • Blogs for the medical field?

    I came across this interesting article from BusinessweekOnline titled “Blogs will change your business“. The article was a description of the blog phenomenon and how it may impact businesses. While the examples were interesting to illustrate how the power of information is changing the dynamic between companies and customers, I got to thinking about the…

  • Welcome to the WiFi world – is this a good thing?

    It seems like WiFi (wireless fidelity or wireless networking) is all the rage at the moment, with Wifi hotspots popping up everywhere. I can see how having easily accessible access to the Internet can be a good thing. But, is it so good when hospitals jump into the foray? Here’s an article that I found…

  • Health information professionals – do we need them?

    Events in the past few days have made me re-think some of my ideas about access to information, particularly health information. Just because the Internet and other sources provide access to information, is this enough? For example, in my PhD work, I’m constantly searching for information. As a result, I’m at an advantage when compared…

  • Paper: Understanding and preventing the demise of clinical information system

    I came across an interesting article by Lapointe and Rivard (2005) titled “Clinical Information Systems: Understanding and Preventing Their Premature Demise“. The article is an analysis of three case studies using interviews and identifying themes. The authors identified a number of different factors, but ultimately focused on three: Understanding the organizational characteristics of hospitals; Understand…