Category: academics
“Aspire, Inspire, and Transform” – CPHA UW Alumni Lunch (2010-06-15)
Had an opportunity to attend an alumni event hosted by the University of Waterloo (UW). Apparently this is the first time event for Health Studies & Gerontology alumni. This event was taking place at the Sheraton Centre, Toronto during the Canadian Public Health Association’s (CPHA) Centennial Conference.
Health Affairs issue on “E-Health in the Developing World”
The current issue of Health Affairs (February 2010, Vol. 29, No. 2) is focused on ehealth with a tag-line of “E-Health in the Developing World”. I just stumbled onto this issue so I haven’t had a chance to read it yet. There are a number of articles grouped into some interesting categories including: Policies and…
A new definition of health?
There was an interesting editorial published this past week in the BMJ titled "How should health be defined?" by Jadad and O’Grady. The basic idea of the article is that while health was defined in 1948 by a panel of experts that changed our notions of health and illness, is it time for a new…
Worlds colliding…industry vs. academia
It’s interesting to see how differently ehealth is viewed by academics and industry. To one, ehealth is the potential of using new mediums to explore ideas and possibilities, while to the other, ehealth is more of a means to an end. For the past few years, I’ve been in the academic world exploring the limits…
A voice against irrational exuberance in ehealth
For those interested in a somewhat contrarian viewpoint about ehealth, I suggest you check out Scot Silverstein. I just recently came across his site documenting some "common examples of health care IT difficulties". You can also listen to his interview available via the Government Health IT site – an excellent site. In his interview, Dr.…
Is this the future of peer review?
Came across an interesitng report of how an "author used blog comments to peer review a book". Before dismissing this report, please consider that the book "examines the study of video games, and the blog in question is Grand Text Auto, an academic blog founded in 2003 that deals with ‘digital narrative, poetry, games and…
Online Evaluation Resource Library
Here’s an interesting resource for those interested in evaluation, titled the "Online Evaluation Resource Library" (OERL). The goal of the OERL is to: the continuous improvement of evaluations used to monitor and judge projects’ effectiveness. OERL provides a rich collection of evaluation best practices, guidelines for their applications to projects, and a forum for stimulating…
JMIR a top health services and informatics journal
For those interested in publishing their work, you should consider the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR). JMIR is now the #2 medical informatics journal based on the ISI/SCI impact factor ratings, with a rating of 2.9. The “impact factor rating†is a statistical measure of how frequently articles from a specific journal are referenced…