Just an announcement for an upcoming webcast that looks very interesting titled “Health information – Is it a public good?“. This is a part of the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) seminar series. The webcast has the following description:
The lifeblood of health research is high-quality data. However, the need for accurate, trustworthy, complete data is offset by a contrasting need for privacy and confidentiality with respect to some research data. The seminar will provide an overview of international movements towards increased transparency, discuss the need for proprietary versus public information and examine the barriers to open knowledge sharing. It will conclude with an open discussion involving a full range of stakeholders with an interest in generating and using clinical and cost-effectiveness information – health care providers, patients, regulators, payers, and researchers, including developers of technology — about innovative ways to break down the barriers.
The webcast is on Tuesday March 30, 2010 from 1:00-3:00pm or on-site at the CADTH office in Ottawa. Free for students and those in the public sector.