As mentioned previously, I’ve been in the process of moving and updating the site.  Now that finished checking all of the posts to verify internal page links, I hope to start posting more frequently.
In the meantime, here are some changes/features from using the WordPress platform:
- New Look: No doubt, you’ve probably already noticed some of the cosmetic changes in the look. I’m using the Regulus theme created by Ben Gillbanks.
- Tags & Categories: Posts now have category and have tag markers. I’m still working on getting the both the categories and tags just right, but hopefully you’ll now have better ways of finding related posts. I sort of gave-up on tagging all of the past posts, but you should be able to search for articles using key-words.
- Comment Notification:Â If you leave a comment, you can now be notified of follow-up comments.
- Sidebar Changes: The sidebar has been changed. I’m in the process of refining the sidebar, but you can find posts organized by categories, links to archives, a tag cloud, in addition to useful links.
- No more Atom feed: Unfortunately, one of the things I lost was the Atom feed. From what I can tell, Google/Blogger is essentially the only entity using Atom as RSS seems to be the new standard. As such, I’m not going to look into finding a work-around. My apologies to anyone who has been using the Atom feed.
I’ve finished updating all of the old links to posts so hopefully everything is ready for 2008 and beyond. I plan to do much more writing this year. Happy reading.